

Economic News March 2016

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Economic News 01 March 2016   The first two monthly meetings this year of the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee saw the interest rate held at 0.5 per cent and the stock of purchased assets financed by the issuance of...

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Land Registry Stats Jan 2016

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

LAND REGISTRY DATA: JANUARY 2016 (released 26 February 2016) The January 2016 Land Registry data showed a monthly increase in average house prices across England and Wales of 2.5 per cent and an annual increase of 7.1 per cent. ...

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Land Registry Stats Dec 2015

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

LAND REGISTRY DATA: DECEMBER 2015 (released 29 January 2016) The December 2015 Land Registry data showed a monthly increase in average house prices across England and Wales of 1.2 per cent, while the overall annual price change was 6.4 per...

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Remortgage borrowing on the rise

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Remortgage borrowing on the rise   The latest figures from the Council of Mortgage Lenders showed that lending had increased substantially year on year.  That applied across the board for first time buyers, homemovers and...

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Mortgages for the self-employed

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Mortgages for the self-employed   Within the mortgage market, lending criteria has tightened enormously over recent years, focusing heavily on ensuring borrowers can prove affordability, both now and in the event of a rate rise. All...

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Land Registry Data: November 2015

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

LAND REGISTRY DATA: NOVEMBER 2015 (released 30 December 2015) The headline statistics of the November 2015 Land Registry report on house prices are identical to those reported for October, the monthly increase in average house prices across...

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Economic News: December 2015/January 2016

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

ECONOMIC NEWS: December 2015/January 2016   At its December 2015 meeting, the Bank of England’s nine-member Monetary Policy Committee again voted by eight to one to hold the UK interest rate at 0.5 per cent amid expectations that...

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Consultation on Stamp Duty

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Consultation on Stamp Duty for Additional Properties Launched   The Chancellor announced in the Autumn Statement that the purchase of additional properties would attract an additional surcharge of 3% on the applicable Stamp Duty rates...

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